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Please note: Only the dates that are highlighted are available. If there is a specific date that you want to book, and it is on the timetable provided by Deborah, but you find it is not highlighted, then that group is full, and you cannot join. Please select another group date to join.

Let's Talk

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Behavioural Therapy

  • Cognitive and
  • Behaviour therapy,
  • Narrative,
  • Psychoanalytical,
  • Gestalt,
  • Exposure and Response-Prevention (ERP)
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Education Counselling

  • Learning difficulties and disabilities
  • Bullying, aggression, or fighting
  • Personal growth concerns
  • Home life issues, abuse, neglect
  • Positive familial involvement
  • Educator or school staff conflicts with students
  • Concerns of grades, studies, and coursework
  • Handling typical school and classroom stressors
  • Advisory on upcoming educational choice
  • Emotional
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General Counselling

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicide ideation
  • Mental health and disability,
  • Family and couple relationships
  • Elders counselling
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